Enjox Remote
Kite Yami

For Android:

Please save your downloaded music to the "Music" folder on your phone's internal memory.

Sync Music For Android Step 1 Sync Music For Android Step 2

Music in this folder appears in the app:

Sync Music For Android Step 3

For iPhone:

  1. Log into iTunes and connect your phone.
Sync Music For iPhone Step 1
  1. Drag all your music into the "Songs" folder.
Sync Music For iPhone Step 2
  1. Go to the "Music" section and click "Sync Music". This will sync your music with the "Music" app on your phone.
Sync Music For iPhone Step 3 Sync Music For iPhone Step 4
  1. Open the Music app on your phone. You will see the music that synced from your iTunes account. If there is a download icon, click it (for the songs you want to appear in our app).
Sync Music For iPhone Step 5 Sync Music For iPhone Step 6
  1. Open the Enjox Remote app. You will see the music you have downloaded.
Sync Music For iPhone Step 7

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